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Stealing the blinds in Texas Holdem

In Texas Hold’em poker reality is that you always have the best hand if you get to showdown. If you want a career in Texas Holdem, it is very important to learn to master the preflop poker game and the art of stealing blinds.

With every blind you steal, your own stack has won, thing that may be only a good thing, especially in Texas Hold’em poker tournaments, where every minute in poker means greater blinds, and who does not grow, loses. When trying to steal a blind, what you do is getting the whole pot almost without anyone to resist, and this may happen before the flop. It is best to try to do that when you’re in late position or on the button. If it’s your turn to play and have had no raiser up to you, then it may be a very good time to try a steal with a substantial raise.
Remember, though, that if you want to know how to play poker games, any successful technique should be used sparingly. If you try stealing blinds too often, an opponent with some experience will figure this out relatively easy and try a bluff. As the tournament progresses, you could try this technique in weaker positions.
Pay attention to the way your opponents play, their stacks size and their own image at the table. You must always balance your game so that your image at the table remains credible and your stack is never too small compared to the opponents so that they may fear a reraise from you. A steal in front of an opponent with fewer chips is always best chance of success.

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